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Why Calculatem Pro™
Hand Odds AND Pot Odds: The Calculatem Pro™ Difference
Pot Odds are an absolutely CRITICAL factor in skillful, high-percentage poker.
Every poker pro and strategy book will tell you likewise. They're mathematically
complex and quite confusing for most people.
But they essentially work like this:
If the money you can win in a pot - compared to a ratio of how much you need to
put in and the odds of hitting your hand - will more than make up for all the times
you might lose, you should call. In other words, if you make that same play over
and over, you'll come out ahead in the long run.
The problem with simple odds calculators:
They can't manage the complexity needed to generate those odds.
Calculatem Pro™, however, can. And that's your decided edge. Calculatem Pro™ provides
all the basic hand odds (even improving on the basics) PLUS pot odds so you don't make
isolated - and costly - plays based on hand odds alone.
I've created this setup for easy installation.
Install the application included.
If you have version 5.3.74 to 5.3.90 just install this
version and it will upgrade to this latest version.
If not, uninstall previous version and install this one.
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