The product structure includes components of official distribution kits AIMP2 and AIMP2 Tools, the editor of covers «AIMP2 SkinEditor», bank of tools MIDI, sets of icons (98), unsolved sets of icons (37), covers (307), unsolved covers (60), Addons (6), Dll - Visualization (6), Sonique - Visualization (22), Winamp DSP (7), Winamp General (2) and Winamp Input (4) - plug-ins.
- Support of keys of installation коммандной strings.
- Choice between Russian and English language of installation.
- Stock-taking of the new version of assemblage on the Internet with possibility of downloading and installation without visiting of a site of assemblage.
- Detailed tree of components containing a separate tree of components of official distribution kits AIMP2 and AIMP2 Audio Tools.
- At a choice of some components installation of components necessary for their operation is automatically activated and fixed.
- Mapping of text and graphics descriptions of components.
- Choice of operating mode AIMP2 (it is multi- or single-user) with possibility of additional installation of customisations YurCompMan'а.
- Possibility of binding AIMP2 with audiofiles.
- Possibility of races of qualitative bank of tools MIDI.
- Detailed tree of creation of shortcuts.
- Instruction on VST-plug-in loading.
- Optimal parametres AIMP2 and utilities.
- Improved templates of an informational tape, streaming string and плейлиста with tag usage «%IF».
- Wide choice of templates of sorting playlist.
It is translated by means of program Promt
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