Help people discover more of your web pages with Google SiteMap Builder.
Improve your page-ranking and let GoogleBot spider your website faster, and help people discover more of your web pages.
Google Sitemaps is an easy way for you to help improve your coverage in the Google index. It's a collaborative crawling system that enables you to communicate directly with Google to keep us informed of all your web pages, and when you make changes to these pages.
Google SiteMap builder will scan (spider) the web domain you enter, it will then generate list of all the web pages within that domain. After it has generated this list it will compile that list into a format that Google understands.
Simply put, you allow Google to spider your site more frequent and more efficiently, every time you make changes to your website, be it adding or deleting pages, you run the sitemap builder and upload the map to your site. Google will then "see" that there are changes to your site and will adjust things accordingly in it's index.
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